Amy Borja, PhD

Amy Borja, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages


Office: Anselm Hall, #215

Office Hours: MWF 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. or by Appointment


OFFICE HOURS FALL 2024:  Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12-1pm and by appointment.

Dr. Borja has over 25 years of teaching experience at both the secondary and university levels. Her primary areas of research while completing her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin focused on Spanish Peninsular Medieval and Early Modern Literature as well as Colonial Narrative and Latin American Neo-Baroque Literature. After a brief hiatus from teaching, Dr. Borja has returned to the University of Dallas because she enjoys serving her students and sharing her love of Spanish with them. 



  • PhD, Spanish Literature, University of Texas at Austin (2007)

Dissertation: The Structural and Thematic Integrity of Diego de San Pedro’s Cárcel de Amor

  • M.A., Spanish, University of Northern Iowa, completed in Santiago de Compostela (1999)
  • B.S., Secondary Education, Baylor University (1992)
  • Lifetime Certification by State of Texas as Secondary Educator to teach Spanish and Business courses
  • 2022-present            Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Dallas
  • 2018-2019                Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Dallas
  • 2015-2018                Assistant Professor, University of Dallas
  • 2009-2015                Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Dallas,
  • 2006-2009                Lecturer, University of North Texas
  • 2005-2006                Teacher, Plano West Senior High School
  • 1999-2006                Assistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin
  • 1992-1999                Teacher, Plano ISD (Shepton and Jasper High Schools)

Courses Taught at UD

  • First Year Spanish I (fall 2009, spring 2015)
  • First Year Spanish II (spring 2010, spring 2015)
  • Second Year Spanish I (spring 2012, fall 2012, spring 2013, fall 2013, spring
  • 2014, fall 2014, fall 2015, spring 2016, fall 2017)
  • Second Year Spanish II (fall 2010, spring 2011, fall 2011, fall 2016, spring 2018)
  • Intensive Second Year Spanish I and II (spring 2016)
  • Advanced Grammar and Composition (fall 2013)
  • Spanish Peninsular Literary Tradition (spring 2012, spring 2014, fall 2014, fall 2017)
  • Spanish American Poetry from Modernism to Present (fall 2010, spring 2013)
  • Medieval Spanish Literature (spring 2011, fall 2016)
  •    Spanish Golden Age Prose (fall 2009, spring 2014)
  • Spanish Golden Age Theatre and Poetry (spring 2011, fall 2015)
  • Cervantes: Don Quijote y las Novelas ejemplares (spring 2010, fall 2012, spring 2015, spring 2018)
  •   Don Quixote (in English, taught through Comparative Literature program, spring 


Guest lecturer in Humanities program’s World Courses (Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque)

Courses Taught at the University of North Texas

  • All lower division language courses
  • Spanish Civilization
  • Latin American Civilization
  • Introduction to Spanish Literature
  • Spanish Peninsular Literature from 1700-present

Dissertation: The Structural and Thematic Integrity of Diego de San Pedro’s Cárcel de Amor (defended fall of 2007)  

Shorter publications: “Una lectura cervantina de Concierto barroco.” El sol de los talleres: Estudios en homenaje a Stanislav Zimic. Ed. María Ángeles Fernández Cifuentes. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 2014. 229-240.

  • Presenter, “El (neo)barroco en “La araña” de Guadalupe Dueñas” 65th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies, Nashville, TN, March 2018.                        
  • Presenter, “Andrea Amooson’s Lunas de Atacama como bildungsroman y la de/construcción de la identidad” 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2017
  • Keynote address, “El Quijote actualizado para el estudiante milenario” II Congreso de Español de Segunda Lengua, Cartago, Costa Rica, March 2017 
  • Presenter, “La maternidad y el feminismo en los cuentos de Andrea Amasson” – SECOLAS, March 2016, Cartagena, Colombia
  • Presenter and Panel Moderator, “El crimen organizado en Don Quijote” – Cervantes and the Mediterranean World, October, 2015, Austin, Texas
  • Presenter, “Una lectura cervantina de Concierto barroco” – Don Quixote in the American West Conference, April, 2015, Denver, Colorado and Laramie, Wyoming
  • Presenter, “Metafiction in Cárcel de Amor” – Illionois Medieval Association Conference, February, 2015, St. Louis, Missouri
  • Presenter, “Reflections of Cervantes in Alejo Carpentier’s Concierto barroco”," SECOLAS, March, 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Presenter, “The Incompatibility of Love and Honor in Diego de San Pedro’s Cárcel de Amor”, International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, 2009, Kalamazoo, Michigan
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